Facility Notes
Omega is a 60 beam facility designed for spherical direct drive. The latest version of the system manual can be found online here, although it is worth always explicitly checking if any important information is up-to-date.
Below are some notes on the system.
Chamber pressure ~1e-5 to 1e-6 Torr
One degree of rotational freedom on targets
Only backlit alignment
Theta: declination from straight up (0 deg = up) range 0 to 180 (no negative)
Phi: (0-360deg)
zero ~ North
Increases anti-clockwise
Need to be V careful with maintain up-to-date target 'drawings' ESPECIALLY any changes during manufacture
45 minutes between shots (minimum)
Morning 4.5 hrs, afternoon 6.5 hrs
Typically the shot-cyle is slower before lunch:
Test things before lunch giving time to evaluate before shooting really begins in afternoon
Alternate subsequent shots between those relying on different diagnostics
1st shot of day is least perfect
Debris shield replaced every 3 weeks (prior to cryo-shots)
Pointing from TCC:
+/-5mm in vertical
-9mm +15mm in horizontal
f/# 6.7
Pulse shapes must be requested at least 1 month in advance. See here
All beams timed as if they are to TCC - must account for this!
Can offset individual beams by up to ~+/-5ns on a per shot basis, but see here for exact details for each beam:
Adjusting beam timings between shots doesn't incur a delay
Pulse shapes 100ps → 4ns
Up to 2 pulse shapes per shot, but the way this is mapped from legs to beams is highly restrictive (see beam numbering below)
Pheonix regen means can have no SSD late in time so more energy
Backlighter can be done separately at A split (1 → 3 beams) and can have big offset in time
23, 48, 62 degree and equatorial cones in both north and south poles
Like a football: pentagons and hexagons
Beam numbering system:
Leg 1: clusters 1 and 4
Leg 2: clusters 2 and 5
Leg 3: clusters 3 and 6
numbering works by cluster|number, e.g. 62 is cluster 6, beam 2
Each beam is directly opposed by another
Must be careful target is not completely ablated
With SSD:
27kJ | 450J/beam (1ns square pulse)
~27TW total power
The details of the pulse shape always dictates energy and peak power, so cannot assume anything until this is set​
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Brief timeline for an Omega experiment:
»3 months out
Finalize target design and submit request. Typically in April/May
~4 months out
Submit experimental proposal with all unique configurations described (SRF and VisRad model required for each) and all diagnostics intended to be used
>2 months
Proposal approved by Facility Advisory and Scheduling Committee (FASC)
COB Monday 2 weeks prior to experimental shot date
Unique SRFs complete for review at 2-week PI brief (typically conducted on Wednesday afternoon 2 weeks prior to experimental shot date)
COB Monday 1 week prior to experimental shot date
SRF for all planned shots completed for review at 1-week PI brief (typically conducted on Wednesday afternoon 1 week prior to experimental shot date)
Monday of shot week
Brief presentation at LLE's experimental meeting
Day of shots
Arrive 7.30am (with doughtnuts, bagels and coffee)
8am Brief presentation to watch crew at pre-watch brief
Click above link to see diagnostics information.