Spherical Crystal Imager (SCI)
Uses TIMs 4 & 6​
Crystal in 6
Needs additional shielding if using an exploding pusher
9 channel IP based spectrometer for measuring bremsstrahlung x-rays generated by hot electrons.
Absolutely calibrated,
time integrated
If using exploding pushers this diagnostic needs a shot without expl. push
KB Framed​​​
Port H13
5um res
2-7 keV x-ray energy range
Time resolved
Blast windows etc = 11 mil Be
Field of view 460um in vertical direction
hot electron spec (via emitted x-rays)
4 channels
absolute hot-electron energy
hot-electron temperature
Thompson scattering
2/3/4 omega (Froula)
Thompson scattering: TIM 6, P9 for beam
Pinhole cameras
6-8 used on evergy shot,
enables spherical capsule alignment to within 2um and beam pointing to with 10um
X-ray framing cameras
can be fielded on all 6 TIMS,
40, 80,200,300, 400 or 1000ps resolution
can use 4, 2 or 1 strip (why use less? field of view?)
KB microscopes (fixed):
see pp 2.84
KB1, port H8, 5um res, 2-8keV x-ray energy range
KB2, port H9, 5um res, 2-8keV x-ray energy range, for GMXI
KB3, port H13, 3um res, 2-7keV x-ray energy range
2 others available
ICF targets resolved in time, space and spectrum
5um resolution
port H12
Streak cameras
6 optical
X-ray: TIM based, combatible with:
KB microscopes
Multiple imager (2d images with 10ps resolution)
Pinhole array X-ray spectrometer (can be gated):
200 2D quasi-mono energetic,
time integrated x-ray images covering a wide x-ray energy range.
Can measure spatial variation in Areal density.
Temperature and density maps of implosion plasmas.
Neutron diagnostics: Various
Charged particle diagnostics Various
FABS (Full aperature backscatter stations): Temporally and spectrally resolved spectra of backscattered light
On beams 25 and 30 (23 degree cone)
SRS (400-700nm), 1st order
Can use in higher order for better resolution​
Can infer plasma temp from TPD emission
SBS (351+/-1nm) regions
3 fielded routinely
all light beams 25 & 30
351nm light also collected in H17 diagnostic port
Accuracy: 5-10%
NBI (Near backscatter Imaging) NBI Details
2 cameras, looking at light back scattered by the target into region around both beams 25 and 30 (see FABS) (both cameras see both beams)
one filtered at 351nm +/-10 (SBS),
the other 400-700nm (SRS)
time integrated
Omega manual section 2.5.10
x-ray backlighters (2.5.11)
Point projection better than large area backlighters
~2keV ideal for imaging Omega implosions
table 2.7 in Omega manual very useful
VISAR(Tom Bailey)
2 channels
24ns max laser duaration
SOP(compatible with simulataneous VISAR usage)
Multiple wavelengths allowing colour-temperature measurments
Cryogenic target Characterisation diagnostic
HENEX (high energy electronic x-ray diagnostic):
spectra over 1.1-20.1keV range.
5 channels.
Transmitted Beam Diagnostic (TBD):
fraction of 2 or 3 omega light transmitted through underdense plasma.
Measures beam spray, beam defelction and absoliute transmitted power.
High resolution x-ray imaging (HRXI):
High resolution(5um)
time resolved (30ps)
x-ray imaging diagnostic (up to 6keV)
DMX (Dante)
x-ray spectrometer 50eV to 20KeV