The UK Inertial Fusion Consortium is an inclusive network of people. We value multiple points of view and recognise that diversity drives innovation. We aim to foster collaborations and research programmes to solve questions in inertial fusion in a way that is mindful of participants’ need to develop and manage their careers. We will adopt both top-down and grassroots approaches to supporting Consortium equality, diversity and inclusivity (EDI) initiatives and setting objectives.
The UK Inertial Fusion Consortium encourages all members to:
Consider equality, diversity and inclusivity in all activities
Respond constructively to EDI discussions at meeting
Foster awareness of equality in decision making
Be familiar with relevant policies and legislation through participation in EDI training within their home organisations
Bring information on equality initiatives to the attention of the Consortium
Celebrate EDI successes and developments
To broaden the inertial fusion community, the UK Inertial Fusion Consortium will:
Include EDI as a standing item in all meetings
Work to influence organisational and cultural change across high energy density physics
Take forward suggestions to enhance equality, diversity and inclusion
Promote a welcoming and supportive working and research culture
Establish ad-hoc sub-groups in relation to specific areas of EDI, as appropriate
Encourage schemes that support disadvantaged groups by any protected characteristic
The Inertial Fusion Consortium will review, annually, EDI activities associated with its initiatives and activities.